»FROM THE WESERMARSCH TO THE ELBE« Nicole Hayen accepted a great challenge. After a long time at L.I.T. in Brake, she worked in the Hanseatic city for nine months. Nicole Hayen, Carrier Management at L.I.T. Speditions GmbH What made you apply for the job at the »Traileryard« project?Nicole Hayen: To be honest, the fantastic project […]

ADVENTURE ON WHEELS: THE APPRENTICESHIP AS A PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVER Trainee professional drivers talk about their exciting everyday life at L.I.T. Tajana Hinrichs (2nd year of apprenticeship) and Sharlyn Dibke (3rd year of apprenticeship) The coronavirus crisis and the Ukraine conflict have shown just how important supply chains are. Professional drivers have a particularly large […]

»WE REMAIN BOLD IN THE MARKET « Leading logistics service provider looks back on a year of opportunities and challenges. f.l.t.r. Fokke Fels, Simeon Breuer, Julian Lachnitt, Ingo Schreiber Germany is in a recession. L.I.T. is also feeling the effects of the downturn, but has nevertheless implemented further major projects this year. In this interview, […]
L.I.T. creates jobs with warehouse construction

At the beginning of July, the management of L.I.T. Lager & Logistik GmbH, Thimo Schulz, the mayor of Bassum, Christian Porsch, and the client of our logistics centre in Bassum (LCB), Dr Jan Miller, came together for a joint ground-breaking ceremony. A new L.I.T. warehouse site is to be built on the “Vor dem Karrenbruch” industrial estate, which will create numerous jobs in the region.
EWE Baskets Oldenburg visit L.I.T.

The L.I.T. Group welcomed the managing director of EWE Baskets Oldenburg and its head coach at a management meeting on Thursday. The Brake-based logistics company has been the exclusive partner of the professional basketball team since last season.