Mark Bruns receives full power of attorney and celebrates his service anniversary

Mark Bruns recently not only celebrated his length of service with the company, but also received a certificate from Management Board member Julian Lachnitt as a sign of his general power of attorney over L.I.T. AG.
Insight into the LIT site in Wrocław

“I działanie! – And action!” was the motto a few weeks ago at our site in Wrocław, Poland. A film crew from FUTURAE s.c. visited colleagues at our new logistics centre.
L.I.T. Cargo and L.I.T. Air & Sea expand their management teams

Since 1 July 2022, Robert Hennemann has been managing L.I.T. Cargo GmbH together with Ingo Schreiber, while Michael Borowski has been appointed to the management board of L.I.T. Air & Sea GmbH alongside Simeon Breuer. Both have already taken over operational tasks as authorised signatories.
Training record: 38 junior employees start at L.I.T.

Lots of hustle and bustle and many faces: On 1 August, we welcomed 38 new trainees and two annual interns. More than ever before. They spent the first two days at our headquarters in Brake to familiarise themselves with our company and processes. They then move on to one of the 13 out of a total of 17 locations where they start their training.
Expansion of L.I.T Air & Sea GmbH

The air and sea freight sector is booming. And this can be clearly seen in our business turnover, which has more than quadrupled in the last four years. With the new branches of our L.I.T. Air & Sea GmbH in the Hanseatic metropolis, we are positioning ourselves in the best location to manage our transport services centrally.